How Media Fear-Mongers Misrepresent COVID-19

Accentuating the negative and eliminating the positive leads to irrational and ineffective responses. Today, like yesterday and tomorrow, news outlets will announce the number of new COVID-19 cases. “Cases,” in this case, will be the ...

Why Do So Many Muslims Act Like Barbarians?

Barbarism is not in the Koran. We, the sophisticated barbarians, have driven them to barbarity. Making Palestinians pay for what Germans did to Jews during World War II has been a preoccupation of Judeo-Christian nations ...

On Burning People Alive

When we revile ISIS, we should remember the magnitude of our own massive premeditated murders and our own original sins. American pilots who dropped napalm on Vietnamese and Cambodian villages did not target noncombatants, but ...

Who Deceived Colin Powell?

If Powell had discovered that he was given a bogus translation in 2003, we might not be facing a devastated Middle East and ISIS today. In 1520, the word ‘evacuate’ was a medical term for “empty, make ...

Cancer might be a failed response to renegade mitochondria

Given a hundred to a thousand mitochondria per cell, each with prokaryotic ‘naked’ DNA that is highly susceptible to muta- tion without repair (see Penta et al., 2001; Verschoor, 2013 for review), cells containing both ...

How Brain Shutdown Explains Core Support for Trump and Clinton

We’ve evolved a capacity to circumvent rational and independent thinking to maintain social bonds, which explains core support for Trump and Clinton. What a choice! More than 150 million natural-born citizens old enough to be President of ...

Moses For #MeToo

Sexual abuse is as old as men’s concern about paternity – the risk that a man’s putative child may not be his biological child. Many rules for assuring paternity are codified in The Bible. One ...


Foreign Policy Journal, September 4, 2014 THE GIST: If people have evolved by natural selection, such that gods are inventions of people instead of people being inventions of gods, it follows that gods are subject ...

Eusocial Coprophagous Diploids – Who is Reproducing?

Troyer (1984) has put forth the insightful hypothesis that sociality among herbivores who digest plant structural tissue has been given impetus by the close contact required to exchange obligate gut symbionts. This article appeared in ...

The Message of Evolution

Did you ever imagine that everything stops existing when you close your eyes … and is recreated just as you open them? It helps to be about 3 years old and stuck on a bench ...