Thou Shalt Not Kill… Whom?
Palestine Times, December 1997 Zionism comes from the bowels of the Bible. In a display of chutzpah even more galling than the Balfour Declaration, the first Zionists invented a god who commanded them to commit ...
Thoughts of a Pro-Choice, Pro-Genetic Engineering, Pro-Palestinian, Anti-Theist, Humanist – John Hartung
Palestine Times, December 1997 Zionism comes from the bowels of the Bible. In a display of chutzpah even more galling than the Balfour Declaration, the first Zionists invented a god who commanded them to commit ...
يعتقد أغلب المسيحيين واليهود أن الكتاب المقدس ينهاهم عن قتل الناس، أما الصهاينة فهم يدركون أن وصية “لا تقتل” لا تشمل كل الناس، وإنما هي أمر إلهي للمؤمنين بألا يقتلوا بعضهم فقط. إن هذا التفسير ...
There is a way for the United States to end its occupation of Iraq … and put the people of Iraq on a path that will lead to peace … for all of us. The ...
Imagine Putin as a poker player who knows that he has the winning hand – deployable, nuclear capable, hypersonic missiles. The United States does not have them and cannot intercept them. Bullets fired by most ...
Interview of John Hartung by Dr. Deas of “Health Center” (Television broadcast, Nov. 13, 2006)
A seven minute reply to the question “What is your vision of the 1000 year future of humanity?” taped at the Foundation For the Future, Bellevue, WA, August, 2003 Leading Art:
Accentuating the negative and eliminating the positive leads to irrational and ineffective responses. Today, like yesterday and tomorrow, news outlets will announce the number of new COVID-19 cases. “Cases,” in this case, will be the ...
If Powell had discovered that he was given a bogus translation in 2003, we might not be facing a devastated Middle East and ISIS today. In 1520, the word ‘evacuate’ was a medical term for “empty, make ...
We’ve evolved a capacity to circumvent rational and independent thinking to maintain social bonds, which explains core support for Trump and Clinton. What a choice! More than 150 million natural-born citizens old enough to be President of ...
Palestine Times, November 1997 On October 6th a JERUSALEM POST editorial charged that Netanyahu is “characterized by impulsiveness, poor judgement and faulty decision-making.” The next day, Yoel Marcus of HA’ARETZ was less polite: “It is ...