Thou Shalt Not Kill… Whom?

Palestine Times, December 1997 Zionism comes from the bowels of the Bible. In a display of chutzpah even more galling than the Balfour Declaration, the first Zionists invented a god who commanded them to commit ...

[Arabic] Thou Shall Not Kill…Whom?

يعتقد أغلب المسيحيين واليهود أن الكتاب المقدس ينهاهم عن قتل الناس، أما الصهاينة فهم يدركون أن وصية “لا تقتل” لا تشمل كل الناس، وإنما هي أمر إلهي للمؤمنين بألا يقتلوا بعضهم فقط. إن هذا التفسير ...

Israel’s Racism: The Nation-State Law

A Music Video on Israel’s Racism : its Nation-State Law. David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s George Washington, could not have known in 1948 that in 2018 Benjamin Netanyahu would steer a 180-degree turn away from Ben-Gurion’s promise ...

Why Do So Many Muslims Act Like Barbarians?

Barbarism is not in the Koran. We, the sophisticated barbarians, have driven them to barbarity. Making Palestinians pay for what Germans did to Jews during World War II has been a preoccupation of Judeo-Christian nations ...

Know Your Enemy : NETANYAHU

Palestine Times, November 1997 On October 6th a JERUSALEM POST editorial charged that Netanyahu is “characterized by impulsiveness, poor judgement and faulty decision-making.” The next day, Yoel Marcus of HA’ARETZ was less polite: “It is ...

Whose Lord?

Palestine Times, 79, January 1998 Two annual rituals were performed last month in America. On December 12th the United States joined Israel to vote against Palestinian self-determination in a United Nations resolution that passed 160-2. ...

Taking Aim and Buying Time

Palestine Times, March 1998 Imagine being the Commander-in-Chief of United States Armed Forces. You just spent $800,000,000 getting three aircraft carriers and tens of thousands of soldiers ready to attack Iraq, but you have one ...

The Virtues of Violence Against Property : Advice for The New Intifadah

Palestine Times, 80, February 1998 On December 7th 1938, as storm clouds of World War II gathered over Europe, a man who would become the first Prime Minister of Israel told an audience of Zionists: ...