Shiksa: Biblical Roots of Racism

shik·sa/ˈSHiksə/noun Yiddish, fem. of sheygets fr. Hebrew (i) blemish, abomination: a non-Jewish girl or woman The Silent Holocaust Most of us would agree that a distinction should be maintained between Gentiles who fall in love ...

Deceiving Down : Conjectures on the Management of Subordinate Status

From:Self-Deception: An Adaptive MechanismJoan S. Lockard and Delroy L. Paulhus, Eds.Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1988. I am grateful to the late Erving Goffman for encouragement, advice, and inspiration. MAKING THE FOOT FIT THE SHOE ...

Know Your Enemy : NETANYAHU

Palestine Times, November 1997 On October 6th a JERUSALEM POST editorial charged that Netanyahu is “characterized by impulsiveness, poor judgement and faulty decision-making.” The next day, Yoel Marcus of HA’ARETZ was less polite: “It is ...

Whose Lord?

Palestine Times, 79, January 1998 Two annual rituals were performed last month in America. On December 12th the United States joined Israel to vote against Palestinian self-determination in a United Nations resolution that passed 160-2. ...

Taking Aim and Buying Time

Palestine Times, March 1998 Imagine being the Commander-in-Chief of United States Armed Forces. You just spent $800,000,000 getting three aircraft carriers and tens of thousands of soldiers ready to attack Iraq, but you have one ...

The Virtues of Violence Against Property : Advice for The New Intifadah

Palestine Times, 80, February 1998 On December 7th 1938, as storm clouds of World War II gathered over Europe, a man who would become the first Prime Minister of Israel told an audience of Zionists: ...

RAPE: Biblical Roots Of The Long Leash On Men

If a man is executed for rape, the cost side of his cost/benefit equation is his entire future reproductive success. Nevertheless, a propensity to rape when the chance of being punished is negligible would be ...

The Final Settlement

Palestine Times, 75, September 1997 Netanyahu’s objectives for a Final Settlement with the Palestinians were recently described by Uzi Benziman: “to annex at least 50 percent of the West Bank (the Jordan Valley, the old ...